Blissful Brioche French Toast

I’ve been working on my french toast recipe for YEARS, and let me tell you, until you use Brioche bread, your french toast is going to be subpar.
We are breakfast people and french toast is our go to. It is quick and easy and always filling.
My favorite brioche is the braided brioche at Wegman’s. However, any brioche you can find at your local store will work just fine.
The trick to a great french toast is….BUTTER. I coat my pan in butter before laying down the toast. It gives it that nice golden and crispy edges that I just love.
I love to add fresh berries to my french toast, it just makes me feel fancy. Other things I have found tasty is Nutella and peanut butter. Anything with powdered sugar tastes great.


prep time : 5 minutes
cook time: 7 minutes
3 large egs
3 tbs Irish Cream creamer
2 tbs heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 tbs cinnamon
1 tsp nutmug
1 tsp salt
1 loaf Brioche Bread
Stick of butter for pan
First things first, heat a large griddle (or pan) over medium high heat. You want it hot, but not too hot it burns.
While the pan is heating, mix all the ingredients together well in a shallow dish with a WHISK (seriously, use the whisk). The cinnamon sometimes gathers on top, thats fine. Just whisk a big between ever few dunks of bread.
Cut the bread into 3/4-1 inch thick pieces and drudge each slice through the mixture coating each side.
By now your pan is hot so cover that bad boy with butter. I normally just take the stick and rub over it until coated well.
Fit as many slices on your pan as fits comfortably and wait. Let cook for 2-3 minutes until browned, then flip and cook another 2-3 minutes until finished.
Plate and top with fresh berries of your choice, powered sugar, and pure maple syrup.
